
La juez dice que la fortuna de Pujol puede venir de “abusos” del cargo

The judge of Barcelona investigating where the fortune of Jordi Pujol comes from tries to convince the authorities of Andorra to help him to unrevel the mystery.

Milagrosa Martínez sostiene que el TSJ viola sus derechos en Gürtel

The former president of the Valencian Parliament, excounselor and mayor of Novelda, Milagrosa Martinez , believes that the Valencia High Court of Justice (TSJ) violates her fundamental rights and causes helplessness.

Italy: Investigations on health system

After some singular cases like the one at San Raffaele, the civil forces of the region Lombardia begun inspecting all medical institutions for corruption and fraud. Some hospitals have declared more working hours/personnel than they actually have. Much money is falling directly in the pockets of privates, instead of benefitting the health system.

Corruption Problem: 

Spain: De Miguel case

It is an alleged corruption plot in Alava, related to collecting kickbacks splashing former leaders of the PNV in Alava. There are around 30 people accused.

El abogado del matrimonio Telleria no ve pruebas que les incriminen

The lawyer exburukide of Araba Buru Batzar (ABB) PNV, Aitor Telleria, one of 26 defendants in the 'case of Miguel' with his wife, Araceli Bass, have asked the dismissal of the case with regard to the latter, considering that "there is no proof of technical or legal basis' for processing, according to Europa Press Legal sources.

Bárcenas recurre su fianza de 88 millones por “desproporcionada”

The former treasurer of the Partido Popular (PP) Luis Bárcenas has appealed the civil bail of 88 million of euros that the judge of the National Court Pablo Ruz imposed on the open trial for the first time Gürtel activities, considering that is "manifestly disproportionate" lacks any "logical" justification and seriously injured his fundamental rights.

De Miguel pide anular todala investigación de su caso

The former leader of the PNV of Alava and main accused of the alleged corruption plot that investigates a court in Vitoria, Alfredo de Miguel, has requested the annulment of all instruction developed over the past five years to be deemed to have been "indiscriminated".

La Audiencia de Palma retira el delito de falsedad contra Grau

Balearic Provincial Court removed the accusation of false official documentation from which was mistakenly accused the Deputy Mayor of Valencia, Alfonso Grau, related to the Nóos case.

Fiscalía recurre el envío de la rama valenciana de Gürtel a la Audiencia

The anti-corruption prosecutor has appealed the decision of the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ) of the Valencian Community to send to Madrid the branch of Valencia of the Gürtel case.


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