
Arranca el primer juicio a la trama Gürtel

Valencia High Court of Justice begins on Tuesday the second trial of the case Gürtel after they sat on the bench the president of the Generalitat Francisco Camps and former regional general secretary of the Popular Party Ricardo Costa, acquitted by a jury on the charges of having received suits and other clothing.
Corruption Problem: 

El Supremo equipara a los aforados de los ERE y al resto de imputados

With 10 days for the start of the hearings in the Supreme Court of the five defendants in the case of the ERE of Andalusia, the investigating judge in the case, Alberto Jorge Barreiro, has issued a decree in which he gives a warning to the granted with privilege, who remembered what is its function as an investigating judge, the defense was questioned by any of the accused.
Corruption Problem: 

La oposición culpa a Maroto de aplicar las bonificaciones ilegales

The opposition has focused on the Mayor Javier Maroto, the ultimate responsible for reimbursing the promoters in the Iradier Arena, beyond what the law allowed them and has caused fiscal indictment of the former Councillor of Culture, Encina Serrano , for the alleged crimes of corruption, embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds.
Corruption Problem: 

Pujol hijo atribuye el aumento de la fortuna a inversiones opacas

Jordi Pujol Ferrusola promised that he would give the "first fruits" of his role as manager of the fortune of the family in court.

Aguirre: El juez de ‘Gürtel’ pidió un informático, no un funcinario

Esperanza Aguirre is not worried that Rafael NG, hired by the PP in 2007 for a regional campaign, had, years later access to the file of the case Gürtel, as she said in an interview.

Ana Mato ingresa 28.467 euros de su fianza civil por el ‘caso Gürtel’

Former health minister and current member of the parliament of the PP Ana Mato has deposit in the National Audience the bail of 28.467 euros that the judge of the National Audience Pablo Ruz imposed her as a participant with lucrative title in the Gurtel case.

Cirugía narrativa para entender la gran familia de Jordi Pujol

Jordi Pujol's confession of July marked the fall of the main public political leader posfranquista Catalonia, many years before friends and relatives participated in the construction of the character.

Detenidos dos delegados de la Junta andaluza por los cursos de formación

Judge Mercedes Alaya has prompted yet another blow to the Assembly de Andalucía, this time in the case of training courses.
Corruption Problem: 

El fiscal pide a Alaya que exculpe a 12 imputados por prescripción

The time distance of crimes (up to 14 years since its commission) and the stormy pace of research have been combined as harmful for justice to go in the way of exonerate many defendants in the case.
Corruption Problem: 

El juez Ruz acredita 18 añosde caja b del Partido Popular

The judge of the National Court Pablo Ruz gave Monday terminating the investigation into the roles of Barcenas and considers ground that the Popular Party had a box b (an opaque accounting) between 1990 and 2008 with which defrayed election campaigns, bonuses to leaders and local reforms, including the iconic headquarters of Genoa Street, 13, in Madrid.
Corruption Problem: 


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