
Špioni a korupčníci. Ruská televize chystá útok na humanitární organizaci Člověk v tísni

We are facing a discrediting campaign, claim People in need. Russian television station connects them with espionage. The Czech humanitarian organization People in need serve to foreign secret services, claims Russian television station TV Centr. The TV station will broadcast a documentary movie accusing organization of espionage and corruption in the Ukrainian Donbass, which is controlled by Russian forces. The Czech organization refuses the charges as a discrediting campaign and as an effort of Russian forces to get them out of their region. Russian political scientist Ivan Preobraženskij said, according to his opinion, that the news report is created for order. Similar reports are usually ordered from high ranking official. Requested goal is to compromise some particular people or organizations. In the case of foreigners and opposition activists is the goal to get them out of the region, which is controlled by Russia, he means.
Corruption Problem: 

Sind deutsche Steuergelder an die Hamas geflossen?

Donation scandal: Has German tax money flowed to Hamas? At the World Vision aid organization, German money has been misappropriated for years and has been sent to the Hamas Palestinian terror organization
Corruption Problem: 

Hoe ambtenaren Amsterdam miljoenen euro’s verduisterden

A group of civil servants in the Amsterdam municipality are suspected of the embezzlement of millions of euros. They contracted acquaintances for the execution of assignments and billed the municipality for much higher prices than would be usual with other companies of the same sector. The perpetrators were able to enrich themselves with the surplus of payments.
Corruption Problem: 

Sind deutsche Steuergelder an die Hamas geflossen?

Donation scandal: At the World Vision aid organization, German money is supposed to be misappropriated for years and could been sent to the Hamas Palestinian terror organization.
Corruption Problem: 

Exclusive - 'Putin's banker' Pugachev files $10 billion claim against Russia

Sergei Pugachev, a tycoon once dubbed "Putin's banker" because of his influence in the Kremlin, has filed a claim against Russia for more than $10 billion after his business empire was carved up when he fell out of favour with President Vladimir Putin.
Corruption Problem: 

Former Sal. Oppenheim senior bankers found guilty of fraud

A former Sal. Oppenheim senior banker was jailed for nearly three years on Thursday, with three of his ex-colleagues handed suspended sentences, for fraud before the demise of the wealth manager that specialised in serving Germany's wealthy elite

Turnovský advokát dostal za zpronevěru podmínku a pětiletý zákaz činnosti

David Burjánek, an advocate from Turnov was ineffectual sentenced to three years imprisonment for an embezzlement. Punishment is conditionally suspended for a probationary period of five years. He also cannot carry out advocate function or insolvency administrator. Burjánek was indicted that he gradually picked five million crowns from the attorney’s escrow. He confessed, that he used the money to buy household equipment or to help a friend, threatened executions. Although he thought he is able to return the money back in time, his client did not received money in settled time.
Corruption Problem: 

MP Natalie McGarry charged with fraud offences

Glasgow East MP Natalie McGarry has been charged with fraud offences. She had been under investigation by police after a pro-independence group reported a potential financial discrepancy in its accounts.
Corruption Problem: 

Israeli police arrest diamond dealer in connection with $65m fraud inquiry

Israeli police are questioning a diamond dealer on suspicion of Embezzlement as part of a fraud investigation that could involve sums of up to $65 million (£45m).
Corruption Problem: 

A global transparency wave: the SEC rule and Indonesia

Last month, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) passed a rule that will require resource extraction issuers to disclose the payments that they make to governments for the commercial development of oil, gas and minerals resources. This is a significant step forward also for Indonesia as several companies listed in the US operate in the country and the data of the payments that these companies make to the Indonesian government will now become available. Similar laws already exist in the EU, Canada and Norway. The number of oil, gas and mining companies in the US is huge and, on top of that, they are classified as big extractive companies as they operate around the globe with significant capital.


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