Election Fraud

Aufstand gegen Präsident Kabila: Schicksalstage für den Kongo

Rebellion against Congo's President Kabila: For over a year, Congo's opposition has warned that the president could postpone the election date to simply continue to stay in office. Elections, which are accompanied by distrust, fraud allegations and violence, are often the case. Comparatively new in Africa is the fact that people are rising early and vigorously against emerging fraud by the powerful.
Corruption Problem: 

Der gewählte US-Präsident Trump beklagt Wahlbetrug

From the Clinton camp supported recounts Trump regards as money-wasting - and simultaneously speaks of "election fraud". By this, Clinton had received millions of votes in the US election.
Corruption Problem: 

Rinkimai Trakuose ir Širvintose: kreipėsi į policiją dėl neblaivių asmenų, galimo papirkinėjimo

During repeated municipality elections in Trakai and Širvintos municipalities the police has received 31 notices on alleged breaches which consist mainly of vote buying and prohibited substance usage.

Soupçons d'escroquerie lors des campagnes du FN : une nouvelle enquête ouverte

A new investigation in France for the political party Front National: misuse of assets and complicity in fraud in a continuing campaign finance inquiry.
Corruption Problem: 

VRK oficialiai patvirtino Seimo rinkimų rezultatus

Chief Electoral Commission confirmed the results of the first and the second round of the Parliament elections. However, member of the party „Tvarka ir teisingumas“ Kęstas Komskis has been denied the mandate on the basis of alleged vote buying.

M5s Bologna, caso firme: 4 indagati. Ex militante che denunciò: “Vertici in città sapevano, li avevamo avvertiti”

Italian prosecutors are investigating the anti-establishment party Five Star Movement, a mounting scandal concerning suspected electoral fraud using faked and cloned signatures for the regional election in 2014.
Corruption Problem: 

AP FACT CHECK: Voter roll problems do not equate to fraud

The Pew Center on the States issued a report in 2012 saying the nation's voter registration system was "plagued with errors and inefficiencies that waste taxpayer dollars, undermine voter confidence, and fuel partisan disputes over the integrity of our elections." The report urged states to expand online voter registration and other online tools to allow voters to update their information, saying paper-based systems presented several opportunities for errors.
Corruption Problem: 

Venezuelas Wahlbehörde stoppt Referendum gegen Maduro

Venezuela: Authorities are refusing to sign a signatory campaign to dismiss President Maduro. There had been forgeries in the run-up.
Corruption Problem: 

Venezuela: Kampagne für Abwahl von Präsident Maduro gestoppt

The situation in Venezuela is worsening: authorities are refusing to sign a signatory campaign to dismiss President Maduro.
Corruption Problem: 

Agituojantį premjerą Vilkaviškio rajone lydėjo ir neatostogaujantys savivaldybės vadovai

Several Lithuanian solcialdemocratic party members who are holding public offices in Vilkviskis region single-member constituency were accused of working with the Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius on his election campaign without taking the official time off from their primary duties.


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