
British MPs accuse Theresa May of turning 'blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats'

British politicians accuse Theresa May of turning a "blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats". A parliamentary committee has accused the government of empty rhetoric after the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.

Špioni a korupčníci. Ruská televize chystá útok na humanitární organizaci Člověk v tísni

We are facing a discrediting campaign, claim People in need. Russian television station connects them with espionage. The Czech humanitarian organization People in need serve to foreign secret services, claims Russian television station TV Centr. The TV station will broadcast a documentary movie accusing organization of espionage and corruption in the Ukrainian Donbass, which is controlled by Russian forces. The Czech organization refuses the charges as a discrediting campaign and as an effort of Russian forces to get them out of their region. Russian political scientist Ivan Preobraženskij said, according to his opinion, that the news report is created for order. Similar reports are usually ordered from high ranking official. Requested goal is to compromise some particular people or organizations. In the case of foreigners and opposition activists is the goal to get them out of the region, which is controlled by Russia, he means.
Corruption Problem: 

Korruptionsverdacht im Nahverkehr in Thueringen: Weitere Durchsuchungen und Festnahmen

Suspicion of corruption in local traffic in Thuringia: eleven offices as well as apartments in five federal states were searched. It is determined of suspicion of infidelity, corruption and bribery. There is a loss of more than 100,000 euros.

Korruptionsfall um frueheren HMG-Chef wird beleuchtet

Corruption case around former HMG boss is illuminated. The 68-year-old manager of a Vaihinger beverage manufacturer is accused by the public prosecutor of having given the former HMG managing director a total of 23 VIP tickets for six home games of the VfB Stuttgart worth € 5750 between 2010 and 2012.
Corruption Problem: 

Razzia bei Thyssen-Krupp

Raid at Thyssen-Krupp: Investigators have searched the Essen headquarters of Thyssen-Krupp. It is about the suspicion of bribe payments for armed deals of a subsidiary company.
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Dubiose Zahlungen bei Atlas

The corruption scandal at the armaments manufacturer Atlas Electronics is growing. The subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp and Airbus, each holding 50 percent of the shares, had brought cash checks to Switzerland to deposit them into the account of a Turkish army member. .
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Korruptionsverdacht gegen Bundesanstalt

Suspect of corruption at federal institution. The Prosecutor's Office in Hanover wants to investigate explosive allegations: The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), which is subordinated to the Federal Ministry of Economics, is said to have been influenced by the industry and has produced courtesy studies.
Corruption Problem: 

Korruptionsvorwuerfe: LKA beschlagnahmt Unterlagen bei ehemaligem Notarzt-Chef

Corruption allegations: LKA seized documents from Duisburg's former emergency physician chief Frank Marx. He is said to have prosecuted among other things in medication shops.
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Korruption: Nigeria streicht 50.000 "Geisterbeamten" das Gehalt

Corruption: Nigeria cancels 50,000 "ghost-officials" the salary. Tens of thousands of Nigerians get salary from the state even though they never appear to work. Due to the cancellations, the state budget saves about 630 million euros each year in fraudulent wage expenses.
Corruption Problem: 

Südkorea: Parlament stimmt für Amtsenthebung von Präsidentin Park

Because of corruption, South Korea's President Park Geun Hye could lose her office. The parliament voted for an interrogation procedure against her. Now the Constitutional Court must decide.
Corruption Problem: 


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