Conflict of Interest

British MPs accuse Theresa May of turning 'blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats'

British politicians accuse Theresa May of turning a "blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats". A parliamentary committee has accused the government of empty rhetoric after the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.

Israel: Sender berichtet von Ermittlungen gegen Netanyahu

According to a TV report, the Israeli General Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation against Prime Minister Netanyahu. He should be involved in a conflict of interest in the purchase of German submarines. He himself disputes faulty behavior in this context.
Corruption Problem: 

Darf ein Verteidigungspolitiker Geld von der Rüstungsbranche nehmen?

Conflict of interests: Can a defense politician take money from the armaments industry? Hahn was the rapporteur in the Defense Committee for several armaments projects, which IABG should also benefit from - the company with which he is a member of the Supervisory Board.

Ja zur Doppelrolle

In his nomination for the German parliament election, Florian Hahn once again rejects the accusation of the conflict of interests. In the publications two weeks ago, the question was if there is a possible conflict of interests between the deputy as a paid member of the supervisory board of Ottobrunner company IABG and at the same time the rapporteur of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group in the defense committee in Berlin.
Corruption Problem: 

DNA: Directorul Administrației Bazinale de Apă Dobrogea-Litoral, urmărit penal pentru abuz în serviciu și conflict de interese

The prosecutors of National Anticorruption Directorate(DNA) ordered prosecution against George Daniel Papari, the manager of Administrația Bazinală de Apă Dobrogea-Litoral, a subdivision of Romanian Water , for allegedly committed abuse in office and conflict of interests.

Wechsel in Unternehmen: EU verschärft Verhaltensregeln für Ex-Kommissare

With his change to Goldman Sachs, Jose Manuel Barroso provided a scandal. The EU Commission is now trying to mitigate potential conflicts of interest with a longer transitional period.

VTEK prad?jo tyrim? d?l Vilniaus rajono mer?s M. Rekst

Chief Official Ethics Commission of Lithuania has started an investigation on conduct of Vilnius district mayor Marija Rekst. Law on the Adjustment of Public and Private Intersts could allegedly be breached as Rekst participated in employment procedures of her niece as municipality‘s administration director.

Teismas paliko galioti išteisinamąjį nuosprendį V. Matuzui ir A. Romanovskiui

Lithuanian Court of Appeals ruled that the former MP Vitas Matuzas and lobbyist Andrius Romanovskis were cleared of all charges. Both had been accused for using a charity fund for receiving financial contributions from business in return to favourable decision-making in the Parliament.

Umstrittene Eigen-PR: Ivanka Trump nach Schmuckwerbung in der Kritik

Controversial self-PR: When Donald Trump gave his first TV interview after the election, daughter Ivanka was at his side. On the wrist, she wore a brace from her own collection - her label took the opportunity.

Milliardengeschäfte von Donald Trump: Beispielloser Interessenkonflikt

Unprecedented conflict of interest: Donald Trumps billionimperium comprises 515 companies. They are likely to benefit enormously when he is the US president, especially since he is not making any effort to separate his office from his family.


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