
... Y Rivera dice que, a día de hoy, está en el 'no' a Cifuentes

To Albert Rivera , president of Ciudadanos , the resignation of Lucia Figar has taken him in live in La Sexta. The one of Salvbador itself it was known.On their resignations- both were councilors in office of the Community of Madrid, and involved in the Púnica Operation'-, Rivera has said. "Our teams are putting conditions and the first fruits are being seen. Sounds good for him that the accused for political corruption resign. " But it has riveted his party, today, is in the "no" to the investiture of Cristina Cifuentes.

Dos empresarios niegan un soborno de 174.000 euros a Alperi

Two businessmen close to the builder Enrique Ortiz in Spain , accused in the Gürtel and Brugal cases, denied yesterday having taken 174,000 euros from an ATM to give them to the former mayor of Alicante, Luis Díaz Alperi, as a payment from the favor dispensed by the ruler during the building of urban development master plan for the city.

Las claves del día 16 de febrero

The accounts of CCOO. The second delivery of Comfia accounts , the old banking federation CCOO, shows how between 2008 and 2012 spent a total of 14.06 million euros in "trips and meetings." Bulky items include seafood and spent on expensive restaurants and dedicated to frequent events organized, some with a cost of 300,000 euros. The scandal of the opaque cards. The National Court judge Fernando Andreu begins today to interview 27 former members of the Board of Directors of Caja Madrid for the use made ​​of opaque black cards to the Treasury . The directors are charged with the crimes of unfair administration, authorize the use of cards, or misappropriation.
Corruption Problem: 

Gritos de “ladrón” y “golfo” para los interrogados por las tarjetas

Thirty demonstrators, most of them savers who are affected by the purchase of preferred shares of Bankia, has been shouting "bays" and "crooks" in the first excounselors of Caja Madrid have come to the High Court to declare the t use of opaque black credit cards to the Treasury , in which they charged personal expenses amounting to 15.2 million euros between 2003 and 2012.
Corruption Problem: 

Un tribunal popular juzgará el pago de un soborno de cuatro millones

A court with popular jury will decide in Palma on the alleged guilt of three expoliticians of Union Mallorquina (UM), his emissary and a businessman from Barcelona, ​​according to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor 's confession-and four of the five accused, agreed to manipulate a competition of some public lands of the Consell de Mallorca, 30 million of euros, in half of its market value in exchange for a bribe of four million in 2006.
Corruption Problem: 

Nicio zi fără şpagă, deviza doctoriţei Bica din Drăgăşani. Acesta a primit de la pacienţi bani, brânză, peşte şi un porc

No day without bribes, the motto of a doctor in Drăgăşani whose patients filled her fridge with eggs, cheese, pork and chicken. In less than half a year, she was bribes with tens of thousands of dollars .
Corruption Problem: 

La Fiscalía pide inhabilitar nueve años al exalcalde de El Campello

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor asks for the inhabilitation of employment or public charge to the exmayor of El Campello Juan Ramon Varo, current provincial deputy of the PP, for giving in 2008 five contracts to three enterprises bypassing the regulated procedure for a combined value of almost 160,000 euros.

Frenazo en los grandes casos judiciales por falta de medios

Several of the ongoing big judicial investigations in Valencia like the Palau de les Arts, the Gürtel case, Cooperation , Ràdio Televisió Valenciana and others are stranded with no perspective of resuming the short term.

El juez investigará la supuesta financiación ilegal del PP balear

A new part of the case Palma Arena in Spain, and is already the 28th, will be devoted exclusively to investigate "the alleged illegal financing of the PP in the Balearic Islands," a "rough" title that has given this Friday Judge Jose Castro to open a separate proceedings. The head of the Court of Instruction No. 3 of Palma has responded to the testimonies, with confessions and invoices, which brought Thursday the anti-corruption prosecutor, Pedro Horrach , on alleged illegal acts in connection with the purchase and renovation of the headquarters of the PP in Palma in 2003. The judge has two other pieces related to an alleged clandestine party box at the time of the Balearic president Jaume Matas.

Fostul şef al Gărzii Naţionale de Mediu, reţinut de procurorii DNA pentru trafic de influenţă şi luare de mită

Prosecutors from the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA ) - Pitesti Territorial Service arrested on Wednesday for 24 hours Ion Marius Barbulescu, former commissioner general to the National Environmental Guard and currently Deputy Director General of the same institution, for repeated abuse of power and bribery .


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