
Preşedintele suspendat al CJ Braşov, Aristotel Căncescu, judecat pentru corupţie, plasat în arest la domiciliu

The suspended president of Brașov County Council, Aristotel Căncescu, judged for corruption actions like abuse of office, bribery, money laundering in form continued, influence peddling and incitement to attempted abuse of office, has been placed at house arrest.

Korruptionsverdacht im Nahverkehr in Thueringen: Weitere Durchsuchungen und Festnahmen

Suspicion of corruption in local traffic in Thuringia: eleven offices as well as apartments in five federal states were searched. It is determined of suspicion of infidelity, corruption and bribery. There is a loss of more than 100,000 euros.

Korruptionsfall um frueheren HMG-Chef wird beleuchtet

Corruption case around former HMG boss is illuminated. The 68-year-old manager of a Vaihinger beverage manufacturer is accused by the public prosecutor of having given the former HMG managing director a total of 23 VIP tickets for six home games of the VfB Stuttgart worth € 5750 between 2010 and 2012.
Corruption Problem: 

Razzia bei Thyssen-Krupp

Raid at Thyssen-Krupp: Investigators have searched the Essen headquarters of Thyssen-Krupp. It is about the suspicion of bribe payments for armed deals of a subsidiary company.
Corruption Problem: 

Dubiose Zahlungen bei Atlas

The corruption scandal at the armaments manufacturer Atlas Electronics is growing. The subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp and Airbus, each holding 50 percent of the shares, had brought cash checks to Switzerland to deposit them into the account of a Turkish army member. .
Corruption Problem: 

Drogen und Prostituierte: Bestechungsskandal bei US-Pensionsfonds

Bribery scandal at US pension funds: luxury watches, cocaine and prostitutes - with these gifts two brokers have paid for the orders of a large US pension fund. The New York Prosecutor's Office has prosecuted.

Korruption: Brasilianischer Baukonzern zahlt mindestens 3,5 Milliarden Dollar Strafe

It is the biggest bribe process so far: The Brazilian construction group Odebrecht and a subsidiary pay at least $ 3.5 billion to the USA, Switzerland and Brazil.
Corruption Problem: 

Geheimvertrag mit Lidl-Gruender?

Reinhold Geilsdörfer, the managing director of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, has discovered new details. Geilsdörfer was apparently already in the service of the Schwarz-Stiftung from the autumn of 2015, at a time when he was still acting president of the Baden-Württemberg University of Cooperative Education (DHBW). He is said to have worked as a manager with a half-salary of 12.500 € per month.

Korruption am Flughafen Hahn: Land meldet Schadenersatzansprueche an

The former CEO of the airport Frankfurt Hahn Schumacher has to be amenable to law for bribery and infidelity. Now the airport company is claiming damages.
Corruption Problem: 

Korruptionsexperten ermitteln gegen Airbus

Corruption experts investigate against Airbus. Airbus may have also boosted the sale of aircraft by means of fraud, bribery and corruption. This suspicion is now being investigated by the British law enforcement agency for serious fraud-related fraud, SFO (Serious Fraud Office).
Corruption Problem: 


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