Abuse of power

'Blatter mijdt VS uit angst voor FBI-onderzoek'

Sepp Blatter refused to travel to the United States over the past four years because of an ongoing investigation on the Fifa boss by the FBI. The FBI is investigating the role of Blatter in the allotment of the World Cup 2018 and 2022.
Corruption Problem: 

Hospodaření OKD prověřuje protikorupční policie

The Anti-corruption Police became interested in the management of the mining company OKD, which is in bankruptcy since May and has a multimillion debts. Detectives examine NWR Holdings B.V. (owner of OKD) and suspicious transactions. For example, OKD guarantee the billions in bonds and some of its assets were transferred to other companies.

Pressure grows on councillor John O?Donnell to resign

The Independent politician is fighting to save his political career after last Tuesday’s RTÉ Investigates programme. The programme alleged that the Kilmacrennan councillor asked for payment in return for helping out a fictitious windfarm company set up in Donegal.

US election: Trump adviser denies Ukraine 'cash payments'

Donald Trump's top aide has denied receiving "payments" from the former Russian-backed Ukrainian government.

Brasile, Senato approva impeachment: Dilma Rousseff destituita dalla carica di presidente.

Dilma Rousseff decade as president of Brazil. The Brazilian Senate, in fact, voted for her dismissal, accusated of having manipulated the state budget to secure re-election. Rousseff will retain his political rights.

Traukiasi pagarsėjęs Kauno savivaldybės įmonės vadovas

Director of municipality enterprise „Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelės“ (ASA) Algimantas Puidokas, stepped down from his office. He is accused in a case which also involves ex vice-mayor of Kaunas Kęstutis Kriščiūnas. Puidokas allegedly has paid for repairing vice-mayors car from enterprise money.

Įtarimų šešėlio temdomas J. Milius pripažįsta padaręs klaidą

Jonas Milius, director of State Food and Veterinary Service admits that he was compiling annual declarations on income and properties not in a thorough way. He is suspected of abuse of power and forgery. There were searches in his workplace, as well in the workplace of Member of Parlament Petras Gražulis , company Judex, and Kaunas branch of National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute. It is suspected that executives of Judex in order to avoid fines have tried to bribe various responsible officials or persons who could influence such officials.

Prokuratūra sprendžia, ar kreiptis į teismą dėl J.Miliaus nušalinimo

Prosecutors to decide whether to ask the court to suspend Jonas Milius, director of State Food and Veterinary Service. He is suspected of abuse of power and forgery. At the moment he is under sworn statement not to leave the country and has a list of persons he is not allowed to communicate with.

Darželyje įsidarbino fiktyviai: darbuotojo laukia rimti nemalonumai

An alleged fraud in one of kindergartens in Alytus municipality is under investigation. During 2009-2016 period every month a salary for a fictional employee was transfered – a sum is more than 25 000 Eur. The director of the kindergarten has resigned.

Magistraţii au rămas în pronunţare în dosarul lui Nicuşor Constantinescu, după ce l-au amendat de 3 ori şi l-au evacuat din sală

Judges from the Bucharest Courthouse were left to rule in the case of Nicusor Constantinescu, former President of the County Council in Constanta, who is accused of abuse of office when refusing to approve the construction of a wind farm.
Corruption Problem: 


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