Abuse of power

Korupcija įtariamiems Šiaulių ligoninės vadovams skirti užstatai, daugėja įtariamųjų

High profile officials of Šiauliai county hospital are suspected of corruption including counts on abuse of office and bribery. Court has ordered a sworn statement not to leave and to pay bail as procedural measures

VRM pradėjo tyrimą dėl protegavimo VST

Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior began an internal investigation on possible favouritism in Public Security Office. Some Office employees allegedly misused their public position when appointing friends or relatives in several positions.

Teismas: Radviliškio meras A. Čepononis negali eiti tarybos nario pareigų

Court has suspended Antanas Čepononis from his duties as Radviliškis district municipality council member, due to ongoing process of his case related to corruption.

Nušalintas Radviliškio rajono meras A. Čepononis

Antanas Čepononis has been suspended from his duties as Radviliškis district mayor, as his case over abuse of power and forgery is heard in court

Visagino kultūros centro direktorės byla keliauja į teismą

Director of local culture center is accused of abuse of power and forgery related to public procurement procedure.

Polit-Skandal in Südkorea: Ermittler durchsuchen Samsung-Büros in Seoul

The affair surrounding South Korea's President Park Geun Hye has now also consequences for Samsung: The company has been targeted by the prosecutor's office. According to media reports, Samsung is said to have surrendered 2.8 million euros under the pretext of a consulting contract to a company Chois in Germany. Choi is accused of having an influence on the government's work. She was arrested last Thursday for suspected fraud and abuse of power.

South Korea prosecutors say President Park was accomplice in corruption scandal

South Korean prosecutors said on Sunday that they believed President Park Geun-hye was an accomplice in a Corruption scandal that has rocked her administration, in a heavy blow to her fight for political survival. Park's close friend Choi Soon-sil and former presidential aide An Chong-bum were charged with abuse of power in pressuring companies to contribute funds to foundations at the center of the scandal, said Lee Young-ryeol, head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office.

P3, pm chiede 4 anni per il plurimputato Denis Verdini. Nove anni e sei mesi per Flavio Carboni

Rome prosecutors requested 18 convictions in a trial into the so-called P3 case, a secret cabal that sought to exert undue influence on the State. Charges range from criminal association to corruption and abuse of power.

Missbrauch von Marktmacht: Google kontert Vorwürfe der EU

Traders who are using google ads end up high in search results. That is abuse of market power, the EU Commission says.
Corruption Problem: 

Samsung raided in political corruption probe

South Korean prosecutors have raided the offices of Samsung Electronics as part of a probe into the political scandal around President Park Geun-hye. The prosecutors are investigating allegations that Samsung gave money to the daughter of Choi Soon-sil, a close friend of the president. Ms Choi is accused of using their friendship to interfere in politics and solicit business donations, he was arrested and charged with fraud and abuse of power.


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