Abuse of power

British MPs accuse Theresa May of turning 'blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats'

British politicians accuse Theresa May of turning a "blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats". A parliamentary committee has accused the government of empty rhetoric after the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.

Primele rețineri în cazul medicilor care au transformat pacienți în cobai pentru bani

A doctor from the Psychiatry Section of the Arad County Hospital was detained last night and today she will find if she is preemptively arrested. In total, 50 doctors across the country are accused of testing medicine without authorization on patients in exchange of money. Such a study would bring a doctor up to 150,000 euros.
Corruption Problem: 

Şefa Secţiei de Psihiatrie de la Spitalul din Arad, reţinută în dosarul privind studiile clinice făcute ilegal pe pacienţi

Delia Marina Podea, the head of the psychiatry department at the Arad County Hospital was detained by prosecutors from the General Prosecutor’s Office in a case of clinical trials used towards the authorization of medicine which would impact the state of health of the population.
Corruption Problem: 

DNA: Directorul Administrației Bazinale de Apă Dobrogea-Litoral, urmărit penal pentru abuz în serviciu și conflict de interese

The prosecutors of National Anticorruption Directorate(DNA) ordered prosecution against George Daniel Papari, the manager of Administrația Bazinală de Apă Dobrogea-Litoral, a subdivision of Romanian Water , for allegedly committed abuse in office and conflict of interests.

Politikė bus teisiama dėl dokumentų klastojimo nustatant negalią

A politician, ex Member of the Council of Šiauliai municipality Virginija Račienė is accused of alleged fraud and forgery which had allowed her to receive non lawful compensations. A Medic of Republican Šiauliai hospital and a medic Šiauliai central outpatient clinic who allegedly helped are also accused

Prokurat?ra po patikrinimo atnaujino ikiteismin? tyrim? d?l ?BOD Group?

Prosecutor General‘s Office has decided to renew the investigation of allegedly fraudulent activities by company „BOD Group“ . The decision has been made during other investigation of alleged trafficking of power and abuse of office carried by Gedvydas Vainauskas and Antanas Zabulis. It is suspected that the were activities trying to affect the investigation by giving a bribe.

J. Olekas lieka ministru atnaujinta 18:37

Lithuanian Defence Minister Juozas Olekas remained in office after the interpelation voting held by the Parliament. The minister had been accused of not taking the responsibility for the "Nota Bene" scandal when the company sold the ministry goods 8-10 times the price after being chosen as the wining bidder in several defence sector tenders.

Atliekamas vidaus tyrimas dėl „auksinių šaukštų“ bylą nutraukusio prokuroro veiksmų

Lithuanian Prosecutor's Office began an internal investigation on the actions of Vilnius Distric Attorney after he initiated the termination of the legal investigation of possible misuse of public funds, when a private company Nota Bene had sold the goods for the Ministry of Defence 8-10 times the price after being names as the winning bidder in several defence sector tenders.

Korupcijos vėžys rijo ir kovotojus su vėžiu (Aktualijos)

Lithuanian National Cancer Institute is suspected of having transfered significant subsidy amounts to several companies, linked to the son of the director of the institute, and its Head of Economy Department.


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