Stíhaný Ježek měl blízko k motorkářům, kteří dostali exsenátora Nováka z vězení. Platil jim web

Criminally prosecuted Ježek had a close relation to motorcyclists, who got ex-senator Novák out of prison. He paid them a website. Criminally prosecuted businessman Daniel Ježek, who was caught by police during their swoop against frauds with European donations, had a close relation to motorcyclists from a citizen association Gryphons. They stood security for a city ex-major Alexandr Novák and they had to re-educate him. In the past, both ex-members of an ODS party cooperate together in few businesses. Except of their membership in the ODS party and connection with Gryphons, they are both friends with a lawyer Michael Kis. He pleads their cases now. And there is also a connection in a very strange transfer of two hotels in Chomutov. In connection with European donations, the police made on Tuesday a big swoop, which ended with accusation against 24 people of damaging interests of EU and other crime offences. The damage is about 13.9 billion Czech crowns. Between other prosecuted persons are for example regional ex-council member of Ústí nad Labem Jana Vaňhová, Jiří Červinka or mayor of Cheb Jan Navrátil.
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